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Elephant Mobile – Magical baby room decoration with floating elephant

Elephant Mobile – Magical baby room decoration with floating elephant

Regular price 79,99€
Regular price Sale price 79,99€
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This enchanting mobile is a magical decoration for any baby's room. The little elephant hanging from a floating balloon symbolizes lightness and joy. The soft colors of brown and beige blend perfectly into any room and create a harmonious, calm atmosphere. Ideal for parents who are looking for a charming yet minimalist design that fills the baby's room with love and style.

Material: - Cotton, Bamboo Wood

Mass: Size: 50 x 23 cm

Colors: Brown, Beige


  • Unique design with an elephant floating on a balloon
  • Made from high quality materials such as cotton and bamboo
  • A light mobile that swings gently in the room and provides a calming effect
  • Perfect for a minimalist and modern baby room

Safety notice:

Please keep out of reach of the child and remove as soon as your child can sit up unaided. Not suitable for travel cots.

This mobile is a decorative element and not a toy. Make sure the mobile is hung at a safe distance from the baby and is checked regularly to ensure it is securely fastened.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 35 reviews
Sarah W.

Dieses Mobile ist der Beweis, dass schlichtes Design manchmal am besten funktioniert.

Daniela K.

Es macht so viel Freude, zu sehen, wie mein Baby mit den Augen den Figuren folgt.

Tom L.

Dieses Mobile ist so perfekt ausbalanciert, dass sich die Figuren bei jedem Luftzug sanft bewegen.

Sabine T.

Ich habe selten ein Produkt gesehen, das gleichzeitig so praktisch und so ästhetisch ist.

Julia F.

Die Farben und Formen wirken beruhigend und gleichzeitig verspielt – eine tolle Kombination.

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